Ep #171: Business Development: Three Mistakes Lawyers Make (And What to Do Instead)

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Business Development: Three Mistakes Lawyers Make (And What to Do Instead)

Whether you’re a senior lawyer formulating strategies to grow your practice, a junior lawyer learning the ropes, or someone who wants to be more proactive in increasing your profile as a lawyer, consistently prioritizing business development is key. However, many lawyers neglect this area until it becomes urgent.


As your practice grows, business development becomes an essential pillar alongside your substantive legal skills and practice management abilities. If you find that business development is something you know you should engage in but have been putting off, listen in to discover a number of ways to be selective and stay focused on your business development activities.


Join me this week as I reveal the top three mistakes I see lawyers make when it comes to generating business and building a market for their services, and what to do instead. You’ll learn practical strategies to help you cultivate relationships, establish your authority, and attract clients through service, along with my tips for growing your legal practice with intention and purpose.

I have created a group coaching program dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. I’m going to help you create an even greater impact in your own life, and the lives of those around you. For more information, click here!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • Why business development is one of the three essential pillars of your legal practice.
  • How to prioritize business development activities before they become urgent.
  • The importance of serving your existing clients exceptionally well.
  • Strategies to build your authority and attract clients through service.
  • Why patience is required to play the long game in business development.
  • How a strong professional network can open up career opportunities.
  • What to do if you feel like you’re engaging in business development activities but nothing is coming to fruition.
  • The golden opportunities that arise from making small, steady, and consistent efforts.


Listen to the Full Episode:

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  • If you are interested in learning more about the work I do with lawyers, click here and send me a note, I would love to hear from you.
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