Author: pprice

Ep #185: The Art of Focus: Achieve Your Leadership Goals Despite Distractions

Do you ever set a big leadership goal for yourself with the best of intentions, only to find yourself getting sidetracked when it comes time to actually pursue it?   As a busy lawyer, it’s easy to let important goals fall by the wayside in the face of constant demands on your time and attention. […]

Ep #183: How to Succeed as a Lateral Hire

What does it take to be a successful lateral hire? How do you hit the ground running and set yourself up for success in your new role? If you’re considering leaving one law firm for another, chances are you have a ton of questions about how to effectively integrate into a new firm, and I’ve […]

Ep #182: More Decisions. Less Clutter.

Do you feel like clutter is weighing you down? It’s easy for clutter to start piling up without us even noticing – a bit here, a bit there. But once we see it, we can’t unsee it. Clutter comes in many forms: physical clutter in our spaces, mental clutter from unmade decisions, emotional clutter from […]

Ep #176: How to Take Control of Your Emails and Inbox

Do you dread checking your email inbox? Does the constant influx of messages piling up leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of control? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Email management is a major challenge for many lawyers, with the pressure to respond quickly and the never-ending stream of new messages making it difficult to […]