Ep #184: Finding Greater Fulfillment in 2025

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Finding Greater Fulfillment in 2025

Do you ever feel like there has to be something more, even when you’ve achieved all your goals? You have the job, the clients, the life you always dreamed of, and yet, deep down, you lack a sense of true fulfillment. If this resonates with you, you’re in the right place.


As a high achiever, you probably set goals and hit them often. So the question then becomes, what’s next? You may be hardwired to always be looking for that next achievement, but if you’re endlessly chasing the thrill of those wins, you might find yourself stuck in a cycle of trying to capture that elusive feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.


Ep #183: How to Succeed as a Lateral Hire

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Succeed as a Lateral Hire

What does it take to be a successful lateral hire? How do you hit the ground running and set yourself up for success in your new role? If you’re considering leaving one law firm for another, chances are you have a ton of questions about how to effectively integrate into a new firm, and I’ve got you covered this week.


Making a lateral transition can be both exciting and daunting. You may be leaving behind familiar faces and routines for the promise of new opportunities and challenges. This is a fresh opportunity for you to be really intentional about how you set yourself up for success, and in this episode, I give you a roadmap for integrating into your new professional home with confidence.


Ep #182: More Decisions. Less Clutter.

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | More Decisions. Less Clutter.

Do you feel like clutter is weighing you down? It’s easy for clutter to start piling up without us even noticing – a bit here, a bit there. But once we see it, we can’t unsee it. Clutter comes in many forms: physical clutter in our spaces, mental clutter from unmade decisions, emotional clutter from unprocessed feelings, and even clutter on our calendars.


We all have clutter in our lives, and no matter how hard we try to get rid of it, it inevitably regenerates. If clutter has been on your mind and you’re ready to physically or metaphorically open up those closet doors to see how clutter is slowing you down or holding you back, you’re in the right place. 


Ep #181: Optimize Your Performance Review: A 5 Step Guide for Lawyers

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Optimize Your Performance Review: A 5 Step Guide for Lawyers

Are you a lawyer preparing for an upcoming performance review? Whether you’re a summer student facing your first law firm review, a seasoned attorney looking to make the most of this opportunity, or someone who conducts the review of another lawyer, there are steps you can take to optimize the process. I explore them in this episode.


It’s easy to view performance reviews as perfunctory or just another task on their endless to-do lists and packed calendars. Maybe it feels like something that’s imposed on you, with no real benefit to you. However, what if you could transform this process into a powerful tool for your career growth and development?


Ep #180: Three Essentials for a Successful and Fulfilling Career

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Three Essentials for a Successful and Fulfilling Career

Do you ever question if you’re on the right career path? Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions at work without a deeper sense of purpose or fulfillment? Are you clear on what you might want to take on next or what would bring you a bigger sense of joy?


If you find answering these big-picture questions challenging, you’re not alone. Many lawyers I speak with are happy but know they could be happier. They feel a certain sense of engagement with their work, but also feel like there’s potential that’s not being met. And this experience can manifest in a variety of ways, from questioning their career path every now and then to feeling completely frustrated and unfulfilled.


Ep #179: Code “P”: Your (Anti) Procrastination Protocol

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Code “P”: Your (Anti) Procrastination Protocol

What do you tend to put off most? Is it the dreaded research project or the awkward client conversation? Maybe you’ve noticed yourself having sluggish afternoons where motivation seems to vanish? Procrastination is a common challenge among lawyers, and you’re definitely not alone.


If you’re tired of the internal battle that arises every time you have to tackle something you want to put off and your confidence has taken a hit due to procrastination, you’re in the right place. Taking a closer look at your procrastination habits is a great way to understand yourself better, and it’s the first step toward creating a personalized protocol to combat Code “P”: procrastination.


Ep #178: Breaking the Stuck Lawyer Cycle: Exploring Root Causes and Steps to Move On

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Breaking the Stuck Lawyer Cycle: Exploring Root Causes and Steps to Move On

Do you feel stuck in your career as a lawyer? Are you so overwhelmed that you feel unsure of where to even begin making changes? Have you maybe found yourself waiting for someone else to come along and fix this sense of stuckness you’re experiencing?


The truth is that at any given time, there will be areas in your life where you are thriving and moving at lightning speeds, and there will be other areas where you simply feel stuck, and that is okay. It’s a natural part of the human experience, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating or uncomfortable. Whether you’re questioning your current role, feeling undervalued, or simply craving a change, this episode is exactly what you need.


Ep #177: Navigating In-Firm Interviews for a Summer Student Position at a Law Firm

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Navigating In-Firm Interviews for a Summer Student Position at a Law Firm

Are you a law student preparing for in-firm interviews for summer positions? Do you feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate this critical process in your career trajectory? If so, you’re in luck this week!


As a former practicing lawyer who has been on both sides of the interview table, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with the in-firm interview process. There are specific steps you can take right now to help you feel more confident, gain clarity on what you want to get out of this experience, and navigate this process successfully. I’m sharing these steps with you in this episode.


Ep #176: How to Take Control of Your Emails and Inbox

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Take Control of Your Emails and Inbox

Do you dread checking your email inbox? Does the constant influx of messages piling up leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of control? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Email management is a major challenge for many lawyers, with the pressure to respond quickly and the never-ending stream of new messages making it difficult to stay on top of things.


As a lawyer, your time is precious, and you can’t afford to let email run your day. It’s time to take charge and implement systems that allow you to be responsive to clients and colleagues while still carving out the focused time you need to get your most important work done.


Ep #175: How Lawyers Can Use AI for Career Strategy, Business Development and Navigating Job Transitions

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How Lawyers Can Use AI for Career Strategy, Business Development and Navigating Job Transitions

Have you ever wished you had a mentor available to you 24/7 to provide personalized career advice and guidance? What if I told you that you can access this kind of support today using AI technology like ChatGPT?


If you’re a lawyer looking for some fresh ideas and strategies as it relates to your professional development, you may want to consider using AI technology like ChatGPT. It’s become a favorite of mine to use in my own coaching practice, and whether you’ve played around with it before or you’ve never thought to leverage it in your own career, I hope you show you the potential that is at your fingertips in this episode.