Ep #188: Your Year, in a Word

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Your Year, in a Word

Have you chosen your word of the year yet? This process usually involves choosing one word you aspire to live toward in the year ahead. But what if, instead of just picking an aspirational word, you also selected a companion word? This twist on a popular New Year’s tradition could be the counterintuitive key to achieving your goals in 2025.


In reflecting on my past words of the year, I’ve experienced firsthand how having an aspirational word along with a companion word representing the discomfort required to achieve that aspiration creates real guidance for how to pursue and achieve your goals. That’s why I’ve decided to reshare an episode from this time last year, detailing this process in action.


Join me as we explore how choosing a word of the year, and its counterpart, can help you navigate challenges, stay focused on your goals, and ultimately experience greater success and fulfillment in the year ahead.



Starting January 2025, I’ll be hosting a new six-month group coaching program, dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. Click here for more information.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • How choosing a word of the year can provide guidance and focus for achieving your goals.
  • Why selecting a counterintuitive companion word is crucial for embodying your aspirational word.
  • Examples of aspirational words and their companion words, such as decisive/failure and determined/self-doubt.
  • How embracing discomfort and challenges can lead to greater success and personal growth.
  • Strategies for selecting your word of the year and its companion word based on your goals and anticipated obstacles.
  • The power of normalizing difficulties and managing expectations when pursuing aspirations.
  • How spending time in both your aspirational and companion word states brings you closer to your goals.


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