Ep #159: Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The legal culture is often one of “yes.” There’s a tendency in law to attract individuals who are helpers, high-achievers, or predisposed to want to do more. If this resonates with you, setting and asserting boundaries might feel like going against the grain of your work culture and your own internal wiring.


What do you do when you’ve mustered up the courage to set a boundary, tried to have the hard conversation, and it hasn’t worked? Setting boundaries is uncomfortable enough as it is, but what can you do when you get pushback and feel like you don’t have the support you need? 


Listen in this week as I highlight the challenges lawyers face around setting boundaries and receiving pushback. I’m showing you why it’s no surprise that you find asserting boundaries uncomfortable, how to have productive, proactive conversations around boundaries, and I’m giving you four ways to deal with “no” in a culture of “yes.” 


I have created a group coaching program dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. I’m going to help you create an even greater impact in your own life, and the lives of those around you. For more information, click here!


Join our 60-minute webinar on June 14th, 2024, 12:00 PM PST to explore what leadership means to you! Plus, learn about an opportunity to transform yourself as a leader within a community of like-minded women lawyers. Registration is FREE. Don’t miss out—sign up today!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • How pushbacks to boundary setting might be showing up for you.
  • Why lawyers tend to struggle with both setting and honoring boundaries.
  • 4 shifts that will help you build confidence in setting boundaries and receiving pushback.
  • The importance of being compassionate and gracious with yourself.
  • How to assess your beliefs about boundaries.
  • Why getting comfortable asserting your boundaries is deep work.
  • How to have productive, proactive conversations around boundaries. 
  • A list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to dealing with pushback to your boundaries.


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