Ep #140: Billable Hours and the 5 D’s of Docketing

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Billable Hours and the 5 D's of Docketing

How do you currently record your billable hours, and how does your process make you feel?


The lawyers I work with often commit to a solid docketing practice at the beginning of the year, only to find themselves slipping and playing catch-up by this point in January. They tell me that recording their timesheets feels more challenging than it needs to be, and they find it a painful process that stirs up feelings of dread, resistance, and resentment, leading them to drag their feet.


Establishing a solid docketing practice is something you will eternally thank yourself for, so this week, I’m offering you a framework for recording your billable hours with greater ease and less stress. You’ll learn some of the common obstacles that prevent lawyers from docketing their time and meeting targets, and my top tips for developing a consistent time-keeping system that will make this process feel far more inviting. 


I have created a group coaching program dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. I’m going to help you create an even greater impact in your own life, and the lives of those around you. For more information, click here!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • Why billable hours is an important topic, especially at the beginning of the year. 
  • The purpose of billable hours.
  • How your relationship with docketing influences the way you think, feel, and the actions you take.
  • The hang-ups that may be preventing you from docketing your time and meeting targets.
  • Why you might find yourself procrastinating on recording your billable hours.
  • How to eliminate distractions and stay on track with your deliverables.
  • The 5 D’s of docketing effectively.


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