Author: pprice

Ep #56: What to Do When Your Job Doesn’t Fit

Do you ever feel like you’re not in the right job? Are you in a high-coveted position you thought you wanted, one that you worked so hard for, where you’ve got through the initial growing pains, and yet, instead of feeling accomplished or satisfied, you find yourself feeling increasingly out of place?   This is […]

Ep #55: Do Less. Be More.

This week’s topic is one that I know is going to resonate with most, if not all of you. Hustling, overextending ourselves, and generally trying to be all things to everyone in our lives all at once is an experience I know so many people are going through, whether you’re a lawyer or not. So, […]

Ep #50: How to Deal with Frustration

If the feeling of frustration is coming up for you, you’re in good company, my friends. There’s a myriad of triggers that leave us feeling totally frustrated, whether that’s because of hybrid working models on the go, having to deal with difficult bosses or clients, or having no one to turn to in times of […]

Ep #48: Courageous Conversations at Work with Catalina Rodriguez: Harassment, Money and Advocating for Yourself

Something that comes up all the time in my work as a coach for lawyers is how to approach difficult conversations in the workplace. So, whether it’s bullying, harassment, negotiations, or anything else you wish you could speak up about, I’m bringing you the perfect guest to help you ease your mind around bringing up […]