Category: Podcast

Ep #37: How to Set Boundaries with Ease

I say this with love for all of you, but lawyers often aren’t the best at setting boundaries. This was definitely my reality and still can be at times, and it’s an experience that I know is familiar to many of my clients. It’s not that you don’t know how to, but when the time […]

Ep #36: Systems Checklist for Saving Time

Are overwhelm, chronic disorganization or procrastination common experiences for you in your practice? I’ve found that time and practice management are topics that have been coming up often in my coaching conversations, and the lawyers I work with are wanting to create systems in their practices for various reasons.   Whether you’re looking for a […]

Ep #35: The 4 Pillars of a Joyful Practice

So many of my clients come to me feeling out of sorts, whether it’s a sense of overwhelm or frustration at work, not knowing how to set boundaries, or even feeling trapped in their careers. Experiencing joy in their work feels so far out of reach, and if you currently can’t imagine what a joyful […]

Ep #33: Your Best Year Yet

We are well into the first week of the new year, which means you’re probably back at work and your routines are starting up again. I personally love this time of year because I see it as an opportunity to start afresh, to pick up where we left off and set ourselves up with goals.  […]

Ep #32: Celebrating Your Success

As the New Year looms, many of us are spending time reflecting on the past year and thinking about the things we want to accomplish in 2022. We set New Year’s resolutions, often based on what we see as failures or missteps from the year, but I think we need a more useful reframe for […]

Ep #31: Is it Time to Move On?

Last week, I had an amazing conversation with career expert Natalie Fisher all about the job search process and how to know when it’s time to leave your job. And this week, I wanted to follow up on that episode because this topic is coming up more and more in my conversations with lawyers.   […]