Ep #162: Group Coaching for Women Lawyers

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Group Coaching for Women Lawyers

Your job often feels like a high-pressure environment and can be hard and demanding. As a lawyer, you probably have multiple commitments on your hands at any given time within your professional work, but life is about so much more than just your job. You also have a life outside of work, family, friends, and other interests you want to prioritize, but you’ll need support to do it all.


Imagine the power of stepping into a coaching container full of women lawyers just like you. They’re smart, high-achieving, values-driven, excellence-seeking women who want to pursue big goals, overcome their challenges, and grow their professional careers. For the last 18 months, I’ve hosted my own group coaching program for women lawyers where I help them do this, and I’m revealing everything you need to know about the power of coaching in community.


Ep #161: Mid Year Reset: Release and Recharge

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Mid Year Reset: Release and Recharge

By this point in the year, you’ve probably added considerably to your plate. You might be faced with physical things you’ve accumulated along the way, but you may also notice a piling up of non-physical clutter in your life that is holding you back from spending your precious time the way you want.


This mid-year mark is the perfect time to check in, see how you’re doing, and assess how you want to spend the balance of the year. If you have a gnawing feeling that you have more on your plate than you want or need and you’re tired of feeling weighed down, a mid-year reset could be the ultimate way to pare things down so you can speed up your growth over the rest of 2024.


Ep #160: Leadership Mindset for Women Lawyers

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Leadership Mindset for Women Lawyers

The leadership mindset is a common and emerging theme in my work with women lawyers. They often come to me at an inflection point in their careers where they need to make a big decision around their development, and it usually involves examining the role that leadership plays in their lives.


Whether you’re in a senior role and want to refine your leadership skills, or you’re earlier in your practice and don’t feel like you’ve quite found your footing as a leader yet, what would be different if you were to step into a leadership mindset? This is what I’m inviting you to reflect on this week as I help you embrace and embody the notion of becoming a leader.


Ep #159: Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The legal culture is often one of “yes.” There’s a tendency in law to attract individuals who are helpers, high-achievers, or predisposed to want to do more. If this resonates with you, setting and asserting boundaries might feel like going against the grain of your work culture and your own internal wiring.


What do you do when you’ve mustered up the courage to set a boundary, tried to have the hard conversation, and it hasn’t worked? Setting boundaries is uncomfortable enough as it is, but what can you do when you get pushback and feel like you don’t have the support you need? 


Ep #158: Coaching for Lawyers with ADHD

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Coaching for Lawyers with ADHD

Did you know that at least 12.5% of lawyers have ADHD? From lawyers who have come to me for support around their ADHD diagnosis to learning of close family members who have it, this topic has sparked a deep desire in me to learn more about ADHD so I can better support those around me.


Whether you’re a lawyer who has ADHD, suspect you have it, or you’re someone who supports somebody in your life with ADHD, this week, I’m sharing some of what I’ve learned about how coaching can help. In furthering my coach training specific to ADHD, I’ve discovered ADHD-specific resources that I’ve found to be helpful in my understanding of it, and I’m sharing my insights with you this week.


Ep #157: Confident Legal Writing with Amanda Haverstick

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Confident Legal Writing with Amanda Haverstick

As a lawyer, how you position, manipulate, and present words is everything. Both orally and in writing, communicating well is one of the most important skills you can cultivate. You might be the most brilliant lawyer full of wonderful ideas, but if you can’t transmit that to other people, it’s going to waste. That’s why writing well in the professional context matters, and I have the perfect guest on the show this week to dive into this topic.


Amanda Haverstick is a lawyer turned writing coach for lawyers. She has spent over 20 years in practice as a litigator in Big Law and in-house at a Fortune 500 company. As a writing coach, Amanda shares tips and strategies to help lawyers become better writers, and her book, Dear 1L: Notes to Nurture a New Legal Writer has been described as the ‘it’ book to read before law school.


Ep #156: Free Yourself From “Bad” Decisions

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Free Yourself From "Bad" Decisions

How often do you find yourself feeling trapped by a decision? Maybe you call it analysis paralysis, sitting on the fence, or one foot in and one foot out. Regardless of how you describe it, the overarching characteristic here is a sense of anxiety around decision-making and the pressure to pick the perfect option.


The fear of making “bad” decisions is a topic that comes up often in my coaching conversations with lawyers. If you see decision-making as binary, where there are either good or bad ones you can make, you’re not alone. However, have you ever asked yourself if decisions can be inherently good or bad? And how is your fear of making “bad” decisions keeping you paralyzed? 


Ep #155: Work vs. Family: Find Balance and Peace as a Lawyer and Mother

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Work vs. Family: Find Balance and Peace as a Lawyer and Mother

In celebration of Mother’s Day, this episode is dedicated to all of you lawyer moms out there. Navigating your roles as both lawyer and parent is objectively tough. Not only are you showing up in your professional work for your colleagues and clients, but you’re doing so much behind the scenes in your home life too, and you are doing a fabulous job.


If balancing your roles as mother and lawyer feels somewhat precarious, my hope is this episode acknowledges your experience and offers some guidance in finding the peace, harmony, and balance you’re seeking. You love both your children and your work, and there are real challenges that come with finding work-life balance. So the question is, how can you reduce the conflict in your roles and feel more in control of your overall experience?


Ep #154: Self-Care Made Simple and Sustainable

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Self Care Made Simple and Sustainable

What comes to mind when you think about self-care?


Maybe you imagine being in a spa with a towel wrapped around your head, mud mask on, listening to gentle spa music. Perhaps you picture a silent retreat and being on a raw food diet. Whatever you envisage, my guess is you aren’t engaging in those practices every day. And if self-care is something you shy away from or something you think you need to reserve a weekend or special occasion for, you’re in the right place. 


Ep #153: Feeling Stuck at Work: Problem or Eigenzeit?

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Feeling Stuck at Work: Problem or Eigenzeit?

Do you feel stuck at work? Maybe your job feels like it no longer fits, but you don’t know how to move forward. Perhaps it’s where you live, your relationships, health goals, or other areas in your life that are making you feel trapped or like you’ve hit a dead end. And maybe this seems like a huge problem.


If you find that what was working is no longer working for you, and you catch yourself complaining about the same things over and over again or wishing things were different, this episode is for you. While it’s normal to assume feeling stuck is a problem, I’m inviting you to see how where you are right now could just be Eigenzeit.