Ep #168: Empower Yourself Through Personal Style with Estelle Winsett

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | When Lawyers Feel Trapped in Their Job

Do you ever find yourself standing in front of your closet, staring at the blazers, button-down shirts, skirts, pantsuits, and dress pants, telling yourself that you have absolutely nothing to wear? If you can relate, you are not alone, and you are absolutely in the right place.


Estelle Winsett is a lawyer turned professional stylist for women lawyers. She describes this pivot as a summation of all the different types of careers she’s had, with the common thread of empowering women through their personal style. If you’re ready to reconnect with your personal style and learn how to curate an intentional wardrobe that makes you feel amazing, listen in.


Ep #167: When Lawyers Feel Trapped in Their Job

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | When Lawyers Feel Trapped in Their Job

Do you ever feel trapped by your job as a lawyer? Whether it’s the amount of work on your plate, limitations in your role, or simply the lack of time for anything else, I know how frustrating and demoralizing it can feel. In today’s episode, I’m diving deep into what it really means to feel trapped in your legal career and offering concrete strategies to help you gain clarity, take back control, and start feeling better.


We explore the common reasons why lawyers end up feeling stuck and how this “trapped” mindset can become a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps you in a negative loop. But don’t worry, I’ve got you! I’m arming you with powerful tools to break free, manage your expectations, investigate other opportunities, and reclaim your autonomy.


Ep #166: Bite-Sized Well-Being for Lawyers with Joan Parsons Ziady

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Bite-Sized Well-Being with Joan Parsons Ziady

Does prioritizing your well-being feel like one more thing you don’t have time for? Do you frequently tell yourself that not feeling great is just the reality of practicing law and that this is what you signed up for? How could it be possible for you to advance your career, prioritize the things that are most important to you, and incrementally improve your well-being at the same time?


Joan Parsons Ziady spent 30 years in private practice at a national US law firm before founding Winslow Workplace Advisors, where she now helps lawyers and law firms advance professional development while fostering connection and well-being. Having experienced the pressure points of practicing law firsthand, she created the well-being roadmap she wished she had as an associate for working smarter and feeling better.


Ep #165: Triple Loop Transformation: What Can You Change in Six Months?

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Triple Loop Transformation: What Can You Change in Six Months?

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, your practice, or your life, what would it be? What kind of impact would making that transformation have? And what’s currently keeping you from making that change?


Tomorrow marks our first call inside my new six-month group mastermind program, which has me thinking about transformation and the meaningful changes that can be accomplished in six months. The sneaky thing about transformation is that while other people might see it, you often don’t. That’s why, this week, I’m giving you a framework that will help you evaluate and measure your progress so you don’t find yourself at the end of your journey unable to appreciate just how much you’ve transformed.


Ep #164: The Pareto Principle: A Powerful Antidote to Lawyer Perfectionism

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | The Pareto Principle: A Powerful Antidote to Lawyer Perfectionism

Do you identify as a perfectionist? If so, are you aware of where and how it’s holding you back?


If your perfectionistic tendencies are keeping you stuck in inaction, paralyzed by the fear of the unknown, obsessing over tasks that have diminishing returns, or spending time on projects that don’t align with your broader goals, I have great news for you this week. The Pareto Principle is a powerful antidote to lawyer perfectionism, and I’m showing you why it’s so effective and how you can apply it to your practice right now.


Ep #163: Expect and Accept: How to Feel Calm Around Difficult People at Work

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Expect and Accept: How to Feel Calm Around Difficult People at Work

Who in your life do you find stressful to deal with? If you interact with other humans on a daily basis, chances are there’s someone you can quickly identify as a person you don’t love dealing with. Maybe you describe them as difficult to be around, stressful, or unreasonable, and interacting with them leaves you distracted and depleted.


We all wish we could only be in relationships with the most wonderful people who make us feel amazing, but the reality is there are always going to be people in your life who you find stressful. If you find yourself feeling frustrated, ruminating about what you said or didn’t say, and these interactions are pulling you away from what matters most, you’re in the right place because I’m offering you my favorite strategies for dealing with stressful people.


Ep #162: Group Coaching for Women Lawyers

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Group Coaching for Women Lawyers

Your job often feels like a high-pressure environment and can be hard and demanding. As a lawyer, you probably have multiple commitments on your hands at any given time within your professional work, but life is about so much more than just your job. You also have a life outside of work, family, friends, and other interests you want to prioritize, but you’ll need support to do it all.


Imagine the power of stepping into a coaching container full of women lawyers just like you. They’re smart, high-achieving, values-driven, excellence-seeking women who want to pursue big goals, overcome their challenges, and grow their professional careers. For the last 18 months, I’ve hosted my own group coaching program for women lawyers where I help them do this, and I’m revealing everything you need to know about the power of coaching in community.


Ep #161: Mid Year Reset: Release and Recharge

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Mid Year Reset: Release and Recharge

By this point in the year, you’ve probably added considerably to your plate. You might be faced with physical things you’ve accumulated along the way, but you may also notice a piling up of non-physical clutter in your life that is holding you back from spending your precious time the way you want.


This mid-year mark is the perfect time to check in, see how you’re doing, and assess how you want to spend the balance of the year. If you have a gnawing feeling that you have more on your plate than you want or need and you’re tired of feeling weighed down, a mid-year reset could be the ultimate way to pare things down so you can speed up your growth over the rest of 2024.


Ep #160: Leadership Mindset for Women Lawyers

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Leadership Mindset for Women Lawyers

The leadership mindset is a common and emerging theme in my work with women lawyers. They often come to me at an inflection point in their careers where they need to make a big decision around their development, and it usually involves examining the role that leadership plays in their lives.


Whether you’re in a senior role and want to refine your leadership skills, or you’re earlier in your practice and don’t feel like you’ve quite found your footing as a leader yet, what would be different if you were to step into a leadership mindset? This is what I’m inviting you to reflect on this week as I help you embrace and embody the notion of becoming a leader.


Ep #159: Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Boundaries and Pushback: Dealing with “No” in a Culture of “Yes”

The legal culture is often one of “yes.” There’s a tendency in law to attract individuals who are helpers, high-achievers, or predisposed to want to do more. If this resonates with you, setting and asserting boundaries might feel like going against the grain of your work culture and your own internal wiring.


What do you do when you’ve mustered up the courage to set a boundary, tried to have the hard conversation, and it hasn’t worked? Setting boundaries is uncomfortable enough as it is, but what can you do when you get pushback and feel like you don’t have the support you need?