Ep #165: Triple Loop Transformation: What Can You Change in Six Months?

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Triple Loop Transformation: What Can You Change in Six Months?

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, your practice, or your life, what would it be? What kind of impact would making that transformation have? And what’s currently keeping you from making that change?


Tomorrow marks our first call inside my new six-month group mastermind program, which has me thinking about transformation and the meaningful changes that can be accomplished in six months. The sneaky thing about transformation is that while other people might see it, you often don’t. That’s why, this week, I’m giving you a framework that will help you evaluate and measure your progress so you don’t find yourself at the end of your journey unable to appreciate just how much you’ve transformed.


Listen in this week as I review the triple loop transformation: a model designed to help you identify the different layers at which you can transform. Hear how the triple loop learning model gives you an additional lens through which you can perceive your own transformation, what’s required of you for transformation to fully take effect, and an exercise that will help you create your own triple loop transformation framework. 

I have created a group coaching program dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. I’m going to help you create an even greater impact in your own life, and the lives of those around you. For more information, click here!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • Why it can sometimes be hard to see the transformation you’re making.
  • What the triple loop learning model entails and the goal of transformative coaching.
  • Why identity shifts are often challenging.
  • Questions to ask yourself about what’s required for your desired transformation to take full effect.
  • An exercise that will help you create your own triple loop transformation framework.


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