Have you ever imagined what a perfect workweek would look like for you? Do you have a plan for more balance in your life but struggle to stick to your schedule? Why is your ideal week currently just an aspiration, and how can you bring it to fruition? You ultimately want to feel calm […]
Author: pprice
Ep #143: When Delegating Feels Harder Than Doing It Yourself (And What to Do About It)
Do you ever wish you could clone yourself and have multiple versions of you who can execute the functions you undertake? Whether in your professional or personal life, delegation might bring up a number of challenges and cause you some level of frustration. If all you want is someone to whom you can delegate […]
Ep #142: Navigating Your First Year at a Law Firm with Adriana Paris
Joining a firm as a new lawyer or a junior lawyer can be incredibly intimidating. There is the legal aspect, where you may be inexperienced in the tasks the firm needs you to do. Then there is the aspect of working in a professional environment which you may never have experienced before. Developing your skills […]
Ep #141: Career Crossroads: Why Lawyers Get Stuck and How They Move Forward
Over the last six years of my coaching practice, I’ve witnessed many lawyers just like you who are experiencing a feeling of stagnation or plateau in their careers. They question why they’re stuck when it seems like everyone else around them is happy in their practice. If you’re experiencing an internal nudge that something needs […]
Ep #140: Billable Hours and the 5 D’s of Docketing
How do you currently record your billable hours, and how does your process make you feel? The lawyers I work with often commit to a solid docketing practice at the beginning of the year, only to find themselves slipping and playing catch-up by this point in January. They tell me that recording their timesheets […]
Ep #139: Boundaries for Lawyers with Bena Stock
Boundaries tend to be a novel issue for many lawyers practicing in today’s world. In a profession mired in a culture of achievement and excellence, you’re not alone if the notion of setting and upholding boundaries feels scary, but the truth is it’s more important than you might think. Bena Stock is a litigator-turned-counselor […]
Ep #138: A Novel Twist on Choosing Your Word of the Year
One of my favorite New Year’s traditions is to set a word of the year, a practice I’ve maintained every year since becoming a coach. This process revolves around casting a vision for the energy, decisions, and goals you’ll pursue throughout the year, serving as an incredibly helpful guide and anchor. The word-of-the-year process […]
Ep #137: A Business Plan for Lawyers
The promise of a New Year is an exciting time, and it’s the perfect opportunity to begin mapping out your future. It’s one of the most satisfying ways to use your time and there’s nothing I love more than writing out a plan, so to get you started, I’m helping you craft a business plan […]
Ep #136: Sustainable Success in the New Year
Now that we’re in the thick of the Holidays, you’re probably starting to turn your mind to next year. What would you most like to create in 2024? How do you go about achieving your goals? And do you want to be challenged, but want someone else to lead you through the process? This […]
Ep #135: When the Going Gets Tough, Choose Compassion
All of us have real lives and real problems that exist in and out of our careers. Mix that in with the particularly challenging time the world is going through right now, and you might be feeling extremely overwhelmed, isolated, or heartbroken. But the unfortunate reality is that the world doesn’t stop for us when […]