Ep #18: Rethink Time Scarcity and Reduce Overwhelm

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Rethink Time Scarcity and Reduce Overwhelm

I see so many lawyers who struggle when it comes to their time. They’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed, running from task to task, and all this busyness doesn’t necessarily result in greater productivity. I find that a lot of them want solutions like apps, calendars, or strategies for managing their time better.


However, the answer that I have for them is that there is no one single app, calendar, or program that will really help them be more efficient with their time. So, what can you do if you’re having difficulty using your time effectively? Well, I’ve got one simple solution for you on this week’s episode.


Ep #17: How to Deal with Loneliness

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Deal with Loneliness

Loneliness is something that so many lawyers experience, but rarely want to acknowledge and discuss with others. So, this is a great opportunity for me to share some of my own experiences as well as my clients’ to offer you some insights that might help you, and if you are feeling lonely, to turn that around.


I’m inviting you to think about times where you’ve felt alone, either in a professional capacity or in your personal life. I, for one, have certainly had the experience of being surrounded by people, but still feeling lonely. And if we don’t address these occurrences, it can have a profound negative impact on our professional development and advancement.


Ep #16: The Truth About Balancing Kids and Work

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | The Truth About Balancing Kids and Work

This week’s episode is dedicated to all you moms out there. Whether you’ve got young children, or you’re further ahead with older kids, reconciling the distinction between your pre-parent life and your post-parent life is extremely challenging. I’ve personally spent a lot of time thinking about the realities of being a professional working parent lately, and I think my insights will be helpful to you today.


Balancing our roles as parents and our roles in the workplace comes up a lot in my coaching conversations. My clients often struggle with navigating the balance between being active parents while also focusing on their careers, and they find my experience of how I’ve managed this to be interesting and helpful, so I’m sharing it with you too.


Ep #15: Elegant Approaches to Difficult Conversations

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Elegant Approaches to Difficult Conversations

Today’s topic is one that comes up continually in the coaching discussions that I have with clients. We all have some experience with difficult conversations. Whether it’s in your practice or your personal life, they’re pretty much unavoidable, and they range from slightly uncomfortable all the way up to absolutely terrifying.


Well, in this episode, I’m giving you some elegant approaches to conversations that you might find awkward or difficult, so you can negotiate these situations with confidence and ease and create outcomes that you actually want when it comes to difficult conversations. And some of them may sound a little counterintuitive, but I invite you to stay with me and try these for yourself.

Ep #14: How to Define Your Brand in 5 Simple Steps

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Define Your Brand in 5 Simple Steps

Something I do every August is refresh my personal brand, and I encourage my clients to do the same. The way we show up, how we interact with others, and how we spend our time are all part of our personal brands, and sometimes, these things change.


Our personal brands as lawyers are incredibly important to our practices and to achieving our career goals. But we also have personal brands in the other roles we play- as spouses, parents, friends, etc. What I share today will help you show up in every role you play the way you want to. 


Ep #13: From Self-Doubt to “Leave it with Me”

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | From Self-Doubt to “Leave it with Me”

Self-doubt appears all the time for the lawyers I work with. And for myself personally, entering into a new phase in my practice is bringing up some of the feelings we’re discussing today. So if self-doubt is something you are dealing with, you’re in the right place.


When we set out to create something new or take on a new job, even when we’re feeling inspired, it can be a terrifying experience. We’re transitioning into something unfamiliar, there’s risk involved, and this can lead to a lot of self-doubt. But in this episode, I’m sharing my process for moving out of self-doubt and towards a mindset where we’re excited to take decisive action and have the self-belief to say, “Just leave it with me.”


Ep #12: How to Be “Wildly Successful”

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Be “Wildly Successful”

The inspiration for this episode came from I call I had a couple of years ago. I was speaking to a lawyer who wanted to create a practice that she loved, and she said, “I just want it to be wildly successful.” So what does that mean, to be wildly successful?


The amazing thing about creating a practice that is wildly successful is that it’s completely subjective and 100% up to you what that looks like. This may be something you’ve never given much thought to. But today’s podcast episode is all about exactly how to define what that means for you and your career.


Ep #11: How to Be Your Own Best Boss

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | How to Be Your Own Best Boss

Today’s topic is particularly pertinent to anybody who is their own boss. You could be a partner in a law firm or a sole practitioner, but even if you’re an employee who reports to others, you still have a boss-employee relationship with yourself, so you owe it to yourself to be the best boss you possibly can. 


There are so many challenges we face in making decisions from a place of being the boss of ourselves. So, in this episode, I’m inviting you to consider how you show up and treat yourself as your boss, and to ask yourself where you might need to make some changes.


Ep #10: 7 Steps to Free Yourself From Clutter

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | 7 Steps to Free Yourself From Clutter

The inspiration for today’s podcast came from something I saw on social media recently. A friend of mine had posted a before-and-after image of her shelf. She’d been decluttering her home (something she’d been trying to do for years) and shared how she hired someone to help her in this process.

And while I was daydreaming about how lovely it would be to have someone come into my house and do the same, I started to see the parallels between decluttering our physical spaces and decluttering mentally. And in today’s episode, I’m discussing all things clutter, how it might be showing up in your life, and what you can do about it.

Ep #9: Are You in Integrity with Yourself?

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Are You in Integrity with Yourself?

As lawyers, integrity holds a very special position not just in our professional work but also in our personal existence. We are expected to conduct ourselves with a certain level of integrity, both in our work and personal lives. But what does integrity mean to you?

Integrity can mean different things to different people. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, or it can be the state of being whole or undivided. For you, it might be living in accordance with your values or the level of honesty you have in your communication with yourself and others.