Category: Podcast

Ep #134: Lessons Learned in 2023

2024 is right around the corner, which means a promise of a fresh start and a clean slate. The closing of any chapter, whether it’s a year, project, or phase of life, is the perfect time to perform a reflection practice, and I’m sharing mine with you this week.   Approaching the end of one […]

Ep #132: Breaking the Habit of Procrastination

Where do you see yourself having the habit of procrastinating? Procrastination is a problem many lawyers face that comes in all shapes and sizes. If you don’t know how you even got to this place where procrastination has become involuntary, this week, you’ll learn how to bring consciousness to what is often an unconscious habit. […]

Ep #128: How to Channel Your Inner Mentor

How often do you find yourself struggling to make a decision? Does it feel like there are equal costs and benefits no matter which direction you choose to go? Are you looking outside of yourself for the answers?   We get all sorts of inputs from the society we live in about how we should […]

Ep #127: How to Build Your Confidence

Where in your life and career do you struggle with your levels of confidence? A lack of confidence is a topic that comes up often in my work, and while it’s not labeled as such in all situations, my clients find there are moments where they feel frozen with self-judgment or discomfort around certain decisions […]