Author: pprice

Ep #118: How to Handle Criticism

Criticism or negative feedback is a topic to which we can all relate. Whether in your professional work or your personal life, we’ve all experienced receiving feedback that has felt like a thorn in our side. It might have slowed you down, sown doubt in your self-confidence, or even outright stopped you in your tracks. […]

Ep #115: What to Do When You Feel Impatient

If you’re anything like me, you might find yourself struggling with feelings of impatience this summer. This time of year means many of us are trying to get just as much done with less time, and whether this is showing up for you in your professional life or at home with your kids, exercising patience […]

Ep #113: How to Make an Epic Comeback

There’s something so magnetic about a comeback story, isn’t there? When we see someone experience success, fall from grace, and then find the tenacity, will, and resilience to rise back up to the top, it’s almost ingrained in our DNA as humans to be drawn to that kind of journey.   Life is full of […]

Ep #112: Wanted: Leaders Like You

You may not see yourself as a leader right now, and I invite you to question that this week. I was inspired by the first group of women who recently completed my six-month group coaching and mastermind program, all of whom have emerged as confident leaders. I have witnessed the power that stepping into leadership […]

Ep #111: Quiz: Is It Time to Leave Your Job?

The topic of transitions, and specifically the transition of leaving your job, is a delicate one. Many lawyers have reached out to me for help with this exact conundrum, and while some ultimately make the transition and leave their jobs, others choose not to. My goal this week is to provide a framework that will […]

Ep #109: How to Access Sustainable Motivation

We all resonate with a lack of motivation at one point or another, whether that’s professionally or outside of work. You’ve probably done your own research on how to find motivation and tried common strategies like setting smaller goals, taking breaks, or keeping to a regular schedule. If these tips haven’t proven to be effective […]