Ep #158: Coaching for Lawyers with ADHD

The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers with Paula Price | Coaching for Lawyers with ADHD

Did you know that at least 12.5% of lawyers have ADHD? From lawyers who have come to me for support around their ADHD diagnosis to learning of close family members who have it, this topic has sparked a deep desire in me to learn more about ADHD so I can better support those around me.


Whether you’re a lawyer who has ADHD, suspect you have it, or you’re someone who supports somebody in your life with ADHD, this week, I’m sharing some of what I’ve learned about how coaching can help. In furthering my coach training specific to ADHD, I’ve discovered ADHD-specific resources that I’ve found to be helpful in my understanding of it, and I’m sharing my insights with you this week.


Join me on this episode as I explore how ADHD might be showing up for you at work, some of the challenges you might face in practice, both from the perspective of the lawyer and from management, and how coaching can help. I’m sharing the three areas to focus on that will help you thrive with ADHD, and when you might want to explore other resources besides a coach.


I have created a group coaching program dedicated to supporting women lawyers, just like you, in your practice and your personal life. I’m going to help you create an even greater impact in your own life, and the lives of those around you. For more information, click here!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
  • Why understanding how ADHD impacts lawyers matters.
  • The strengths and weaknesses you may experience living with ADHD.
  • How ADHD can show up at work.
  • The challenges that ADHD presents from a management perspective.
  • How those in management positions can better support lawyers with ADHD.
  • The best way to support yourself in your professional work.
  • Why you might need to continually change up your systems.
  • How I help lawyers with ADHD.
  • My criteria for finding a coach who can best support you and the changes you want to make.


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