In the work that I do with lawyers, boundaries is a topic that comes up all the time, especially around saying no. I’m sure you can think of a time in your professional or personal life when you’ve said yes to something and then immediately regretted it. Maybe you knew you didn’t want to say […]
Category: Podcast
Ep #61: Happy Lawyers at Work with Sara Forte
I met this week’s guest five years ago when she handed me a business card and told me she was setting up shop. What she’s achieved since then is incredible, so if you’re a lawyer who knows you’re destined for more, you need to listen to my interview with Sara Forte. She’s walking us through […]
Ep #60: Time Guilt: How to Rest in a Culture of “Busy”
The culture many of us live in values productivity over rest. We learn this from our family of origin, from law school, and from the organizations we work with and for. But, if you’re like many of my clients, prioritizing work over intentional rest doesn’t actually make you more productive. It just leads to burnout. […]
Ep #59: Design Your Career with Style with Estelle Winsett
I’m always looking for new ways to help you style a career that works for you. So, whether that means going down a different path as a lawyer, starting a private practice, or moving out of law altogether, my guest on today’s show has some valuable and unique insights to share about this process of […]
Ep #58: Lawyer to Lawyer Coach: Five Years, Five Lessons
This week’s episode is in celebration of milestones in both my personal and professional life. I’m turning 45 in a few days, and this time of year also marks five years since I first decided to move away from a traditional legal practice to start my coaching practice. Whether you too are looking to make […]
Ep #57: Casting a Compelling Vision
As you know, this podcast is all about helping you find joy in your practice. The true secret here is falling in love with the process of reaching your goals, which sounds great on paper, but is realistically hard to do when we’re swept up in the daily hustle and bustle of our lives both […]
Ep #56: What to Do When Your Job Doesn’t Fit
Do you ever feel like you’re not in the right job? Are you in a high-coveted position you thought you wanted, one that you worked so hard for, where you’ve got through the initial growing pains, and yet, instead of feeling accomplished or satisfied, you find yourself feeling increasingly out of place? This is […]
Ep #55: Do Less. Be More.
This week’s topic is one that I know is going to resonate with most, if not all of you. Hustling, overextending ourselves, and generally trying to be all things to everyone in our lives all at once is an experience I know so many people are going through, whether you’re a lawyer or not. So, […]
Ep #54: Defining Your Legacy for Inspiration, Direction, and Impact
A topic that’s been on my mind lately is your legacy. It’s a subject that comes up fairly often in my practice where my clients are thinking about what they want to accomplish in the long term. It’s also a conversation I love having with my friends, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about recently […]
Ep #53: How to Take a Career Leap of Faith with Founder of Law Quill, Annette Choti
As lawyers, we have a tendency to be risk-averse. Mitigating risk is part and parcel of our work, and regardless of whether you want to leave law entirely or make a law-adjacent transition, taking that risk feels incredibly scary. So, if you’re currently unhappy in your practice, but you have an inclination to stay in […]