I’ve been having many conversations lately with lawyers who are experiencing the same conundrum, two of whom used the exact same language to describe the problem they’re having: analysis paralysis. Analysis paralysis feels like ruminating over an idea, wondering if there’s a right or wrong decision to be made, and leaves you unable to […]
Category: Podcast
Ep #71: Partnership: Is it for You? With Allison Wolf
Partnership, at its core, is about power within an organization. Being a partner has strong historical and cultural implications. It becomes an identity for people, and connotes status and a place in your firm’s hierarchy. However, while it can offer many opportunities, you’re not alone if you’re moved by different motivations than checking this box […]
Ep #70: Entrepreneurship, Community and Advocating for Yourself: Reimagine Your Practice with Suzi Hixon, esq.
After years of law school, hitting your stride in practice, and leveling up in your firm along the way, the thought of going solo and starting from scratch can be so daunting. Venturing off the organizational track and stepping into entrepreneurship is risky and requires being bold, but my guest today did it and she’s […]
Ep #69: How to Rebuild Your Confidence After a Setback
We’re talking about how to rebuild your confidence when you have a setback. This is an important topic for lawyers at all levels. The skill of rebuilding your confidence will allow you to take your practice so much further and make a greater impact, and I’m showing you all of the how today. Any […]
Ep #68: Procrastination: From Dread, Distraction and Avoidance to Getting Things Done
Do you have a tendency to fall victim to distractions in your everyday? How often do you tend to leave things late in the game, even when you know you’ve got tasks at hand that need seeing to? If the habit of procrastination seems to be your default mode and you can’t figure out how […]
Ep #67: Success Fatigue: How to Excel Without Burning Out
Over the past five years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing clients who have made great strides and really succeeded in getting the results they want. When we finish our work together, they’ve reached the next level, and they’re moving forward from there on their own. But what happens next? We […]
Ep #66: (Cringe-Free) Marketing for Lawyers
Marketing was something I never fully embraced or appreciated when I was practicing as a lawyer. There’s this impression in the law profession that if you’re a good lawyer, there’s simply no need to market. In a wider context, marketing is often seen as sleazy, sales-y, or annoying, and something you don’t want to do […]
Ep #65: Why You Must Close the Confidence Gap
Whether you’re here because confidence is something you’ve been struggling with, or whether confidence is something you feel is inherent to who you are and often take for granted, this is a topic that runs central to our professional work and personal lives, and it’s a core skill that we can all benefit from improving. […]
Ep #64: How to Break Up With “Busy” Once and For All
Busyness is an interesting topic. As a lawyer, I guarantee you’ve experienced feeling busy. In fact, busyness is a comfortable trap people in all kinds of industries have fallen into. It may feel uncomfortable to be busy in the moment, but so many of us wear it like a badge of honor because it means […]
Ep #63: Brain Health and Productivity for Lawyers with Alysia Davies
In a profession like law where we’re so reliant on our cognitive function to advocate for other people, and so much value is placed on productivity over self-care, it can feel like there’s no space for mental health practices that take care of your brain. If you feel like this seems woo-woo and that there’s […]