How are you currently engaging with social media? With a plethora of different platforms available to us, you’re likely splitting your time across them all. LinkedIn is probably one of those you regularly check, but it’s also very likely that you aren’t leveraging it for your business as much as you could. Louise Brogan […]
Category: Podcast
Ep #89: Executive Function and Time Management Part 4: Crossing the Finish Line
Welcome to the final part of our series on executive function and time management! So, you’ve made your plan, gotten started, managed to stay focused on your task or project, and now, it’s time to finish what you started, which also ties in perfectly as I wrap up this series. Even if you’re working […]
Ep #88: Executive Function and Time Management Part 3: Staying Focused
Now that you’ve heard how to save time before you start a task and how to overcome procrastination once you’ve started, in part three of our series on executive function and time management this week, we’re diving into all things focus and sustaining your attention. Whether you’re working on a long-term project that is […]
Ep #87: Executive Function and Time Management Part 2: Overcoming Procrastination
Last week, you heard part one of our series on executive function and time management as it relates to you and your legal practice. I introduced you to what executive functioning skills are, how to leverage yours, and what to do before you get started on a task to save time. And in part two […]
Ep #86: Executive Function and Time Management Part 1: Before You Start
As a lawyer, your ability to access higher-level thinking and use your executive functioning is vital, not only in the work you do, but also in the way you manage your practice. Since many of my clients want more tools to help them leverage their executive functioning skills, this is an area I’ve been doing […]
Ep #85: Powerful Tools for Difficult Decisions
To celebrate the start of 2023, we’ve been having a bit of a New Year theme happening here on the podcast. We’ve discussed creating sustainable success with your resolutions and being courageous moving forward, so if you’re looking ahead at the goals you want to achieve, changes you want to make in your practice, or […]
Ep #84: Being Courageous in 2023
The New Year signifies a clean slate for us to create whatever we want. You have 365 days to decide what you would love to have in 2023, what would feel magical to you, and how you’re going to embody the person you want to become. Whether your goals for 2023 are to become […]
Ep #83: Sustainable Success: A Simple Solution for Resolutions that Stick
New Year’s resolutions are an opportunity to set lofty goals that inspire and move us forward, but they’re also an opportunity for us to set goals that leave us feeling like we’ve fallen short. So, if you have a goal that you find yourself resolving to create year after year that you keep giving up […]
Ep #82: From Anxiety to Ease with Melanie Goela and Ellen Schlesinger
The law profession can often feel like a pressure cooker. There are systemic pressures and very high standards that exist, which make anxiety, burnout, and stress a common experience among lawyers. And without the right tools or support, carrying that weight of responsibility is extremely challenging. This week, I’m speaking to two very special […]
Ep #81: Feeling Stuck, Resentful or Burnt Out? When Delayed Gratification Becomes Zero Gratification
How have you used the skill of delayed gratification to get to where you are today? Maybe it was social invitations you turned down to study, or going to law school so you can put off the gratification of having a well-compensated job you love. There are probably many examples in your life where you’ve […]